10 tips to enjoy a flight of 8 hours or more


Traveling is a pleasure! Enjoy your long flight with these tips.

1. Try to reserve a good seat

One of the keys to enjoy a peaceful flight is to be proactive and choose a good seat in advance. The typical planters allow you to select where you want to go at the time of booking and the others do it at the time of making the billing online, before the departure of the flight. There is still a science in it, even web pages dedicated to the study of the best seat according to the type of plane such as Seat Guru or Best Plane Seat. However, notices that the suitability depends on what you are looking for. So, if you want more room for your legs than to opt for emergency exits or aisle seats; if you want to avoid whining children, get away from the part of the screens, reserved for them; if you need tranquility do not choose those that are close to the flight staff or toilets ...

2. Put on your best clothes

Do not hesitate to dress for the occasion and choose well the clothes and shoes that you will use for your long-term flight. Wear loose and comfortable clothes and leave the jewelry for another time. Remember that in airplanes it is usually quite cold, so you should wear warm clothes and try to dress in several layers so you can adapt to changes in temperature. In addition, it is very important that you select suitable footwear and that, above all, do not tighten it, as our feet tend to swell during long hours of flight..

3. Go prepared

If you want to have a five-star flight, write down everything you need to be comfortable. It does not hurt to bring your own blanket and pillow to make you feel at home and help you fall asleep, as well as a mask and earplugs that isolate you from the rest of the passengers. Some basic hygiene items such as a toothbrush and toothpaste sized for hand luggage will make you feel cooler when you spend so much time on a plane.

4. Do not wear too much

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5. Choose what to eat

It is common to have several dishes to choose from when the food cart appears, but if you have allergies or intolerances, follow a special diet or need something specific that you must inform the airline in your reservation. Also, remember to check it 24 hours before the plane takes off to make sure everything is in order and not starve. There are some airlines that also offer some snacks and drinks, such as juices or soft drinks, between meals set on the flight, but it is recommended that you bring some cookies or nuts to kill the appetite that may arise on such a long trip.

6. Move!

It is very important that you do not remain seated all the time if you fly more than four hours, because if you do, there is a risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Therefore, it is convenient to walk one or two hours through the corridors of the plane, stretch your legs and back slightly, do toe-lift exercises and do not abuse drugs and sleeping pills. he has not used them in advance and does not know their side effects.

7. Hydrate a lot

One of the keys to save yourself from the future jet lag and enjoy a pleasant flight is to stay healthy from hydration. Aircraft cabins are usually very dry places and the chances of dehydration are very high. Therefore, it is best to drink a lot of water slowly and regularly, apply moisturizing creams to your skin, avoid tea, coffee and alcohol and bring some eye drops if you have a tendency to this type of dryness.

8. Relax and go comfortable

What better time is there to abandon yourself to do nothing than a flight? Without mobile phone coverage, without stress, on a flight of eight hours or more what you have to do is let go and relax. Someone is piloting for you, a cabin crew will be in charge of telling you when the food is ready and a fascinating safe destination is just around the corner, so enjoy all that time you have. In addition, leave aside the rush and do not stress at the time of boarding or arrival, live a quiet flight from the beginning will make you spend much better.

9. Make new friends

The flights are ideal moments to meet interesting people. Every person on a plane has its own story behind it and it is likely that you will love traveling, so take the opportunity and kill the time talking. A curious person, a new friend, who knows if you will find your better half in the heights? Start a conversation with whoever sits in the seat next to you and you will feel much more comfortable on such a long trip.

10. Do not get bored

Being confined in a few square meters or not having internet does not have to be a problem, enjoy your free time! Many of the airplanes of the airlines that make long flights have entertainment on board thanks to individual screens in front of your seat where you can choose between movies, series, games or music. Also, it would be interesting to take something so that the hours pass in a fun way such as a book, a music player, a portable video game console or a well-charged electronic device to watch a movie in the event that your flight does not have such screens.

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