

On foot or by navigating, it goes through every corner of this delegation that welcomes you with open arms and invites you to discover the beauty of its chinamperas zones, surrounded by exceptional natural landscapes and live days full of adventures in its ecotourism zones. Enjoy the emotion and colorful of their customs, fairs and parties.

Alone or accompanied participates in the joy and eye-catching in each of its fairs and parties that make it unique. Trajina for its villages and neighborhoods, delights your palate with the endless flavors and colors of its markets and admires its architectural monuments, museums and Historical Center.


The origins of Xochimilco go back to pre-Hispanic times. Since the Mesoamerican Preclassic Period, its banks and islands were home to diverse peoples of unknown origin. At the beginning of the Postclassic, Xochimilco was an important altepetl that was submitted by the Mexicas in the 15th century. During the Colony and the first years of independent life in Mexico, the territory of Xochimilco became a food supplier for Mexico City.

In Xochimilco, the Dolores Olmedo Museum is located, which focuses on the diffusion of the work of painters Diego Rivera and Frida Khalo. The museum is located inside the farm "La Noria" construction dating from the seventeenth century. Apochquiyauhtzin, the last Xochimilca king, was established in this place.

 The museum opened its doors for the first time on September 17, 1994. It has 139 works by Diego Rivera and 25 works by Frida Khalo. It has twelve rooms that exhibit important works. The museum takes its name from the collector Dolores Olmedo Patiño, who bequeathed to the people of Mexico his collection of works of the two painters mentioned.

The Piers

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The Chinampas

The chinampas are cultivated areas of intensive production, literally handmade.

They began to be constructed from remote times in the lake of Xochimilco; to build them, farmers looked for shallow swampy lake areas.

It is estimated that they were conceived in the 14th and 16th centuries and for their majesty they have been the object of worldwide attention since the Spanish conquerors discovered their existence in the 16th century. Possibly, the main attraction of the chinampas is the extraordinary soil fertility that combined with the abundance of water and the labor of the farmer, became an intensive production system without equal in the world.

The technical conditions provided by a chinampa are drained soils, water-air balance ratio, nutrient availability, water table below the rhizosphere and water readily available to the plant.

Among the vegetables that are produced are: spinach, Swiss chard, radishes, parsley, cilantro, cauliflower, celery, mint, rutabaga, chives, rosemary, lettuce and purslane, among many others.

Considered as a Cultural Heritage of Humanity, the universal exceptional value represented by Xochimilco in the World Heritage list is to be a testimony of the ancient human manipulation of a natural territory, made with creativity and wisdom, to create a habitat with remarkable qualities that allowed to have land of high agricultural productivity, in a lacustrine environment and that at present are lands where agricultural products are grown.

The area considered Heritage is made up of:

  • The Xochimilco chinampera zone
  • The ejidos, the zone of the lake of conservation of flora and fauna of San Gregorio Atlapulco and San Luis Tlaxialtemalco
  • The Historic Center of Xochimilco, a space where temples and monuments play a fundamental role in the flow of exchange and commercialization.

The Island of the Dolls

Arriving at the Isla de las Muñecas is in itself a pleasant experience and a walk through the distant and tranquil navigable canals of Xochimilco.

The legend of this place tells that a girl drowned entangled among the lilies and her body was found on the banks of the chinampas of Don Julián. Since then the spirit of the unfortunate girl had remained in the place and that frightened him, to scare her away, Julian Santana began to place in his chinampa dolls that he collected in the garbage and channels of Cuemanco, he said he was there to scare away the evil spirits and obtain better harvests.

When the tourist eco rescue was carried out in 1987, the island was completely covered by water lily. Since then the chinampa of the island of the dolls has been converted into a place of great tourist affluence.

Travel in Trajinera per hour

30 €


The Embarcadero 9:00 am - 8:00 pm 

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